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Arrived South Africa !

Day 1 - 5, Pretoria - South Africa

Kali ini saya berbagi cerita tentang Pretoria sebagai ibu kota Afrika Selatan karena menjadi kota pusat pemerintahan Afrika Selatan, disini Union Building persis dipusat kota Pretoria sebagai istana negara dengan arsitektur bergaya renaissance. Istana ini terlihat anggun berdiri di atas bukit tengah kota, di depan berdiri monumen patung orang menunggang kuda peninggalan perang dunia 1.

Taman besar dipenuhi pepohonan dan bunga warna-warni berada persis didepan Union Building dan tertata rapi melingkari sebuah patung besar menghadap kota, patung tersebut adalah patung Nelson Mandela yang diangkat menjadi Presiden Afrika Selatan pada April 1994 dan berkantor di Union Building ini. semua warga mencintai dan menghormati jasa beliau yang mengikis diskriminasi antara orang kulit putih & kulit hitam.

Kota ini tidak seramai Johannesburg, namun sedikit lebih hangat berjarak 50km di utara Johannesburg, warga sangat ramah, kami selalu menggunakan jasa uber dan selalu ngobrol dan bercanda dengan supir. Disini sudah masuk spring Paling cocok ke kafe menikmati teh hangat (teh roobois atau teh five roses) sambil bercanda dan ngobrol dengan penjaga cafe yang ramah. Belajar bahasa lokal sama mereka. Lalu jalan kaki beberapa blok menikmati suasana pohon Jacaranda yang sedang berbunga.

kami mengurus visa buat ke Swaziland di Embassy Swaziland disini dengan proses sangat mudah (akan berkunjung ke Swaziland akhir Oktober nanti). Namun kami akan pindah ke Durban 2 hari lagi untuk menjemput kendaraan kami dan adventure-pun akan dimulai.

Salam Adventure.

English Version :

Day 1 - 5, Pretoria - South Africa

This time I shared the story of Pretoria as the capital of South Africa because it became the central city of South African government,

here the Union Building was exactly in the center of Pretoria as a state palace with a renaissance-style architecture. This palace looks gracefully standing on a hill in the middle of the city, in front of the monument stands a statue of a person riding a horse from world war 1.

The large park is filled with trees and colorful flowers right in front of the Union Building and neatly encircles a large statue facing the city, the statue is a statue of Nelson Mandela who was appointed President of South Africa in April 1994 and is based in this Union Building. all citizens love and respect his services which erode discrimination between white & black people.

The city is not as crowded as Johannesburg, but a little warmer 50km north of Johannesburg, residents are very friendly, we always use uber services and always chat and joke with drivers. It's already in spring. Most suitable to the cafe enjoy hot tea (roobois tea or tea five roses) while joking and chatting with friendly cafe guards. Learn local languages ​​with them. Then walk a few blocks enjoying the atmosphere of the flowering Jacaranda tree.

we took care of visas for Swaziland in Embassy Swaziland here with a very easy process (will visit Swaziland at the end of October). But we will move to Durban in 2 days to pick up our vehicle and adventure will begin.

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