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Waiting for the Bike

Day 6-12, Durban - Afrika Selatan.

Setelah beberapa urusan selesai dari Pretoria, kamipun lanjut ke Durban. Kota metropolitan yang terbesar di propinsi KwaZulu-Natal terletak di pesisir pantai daerah selatan dengan pantainya yang indah menghadap lautan Hindia. Untuk bisa sampai sini, kami menggunakan bus ditempuh selama 9 jam dari Pretoria.Berada disini sedikit lebih hangat dibandingkan dengan Johannesburg. Kalau lagi cerah suhu mencapai 23 derajat selsius, lumayan jalan-jalan keliling kota dengan menggunakan kaos saja walaupun malamnya temperatur bisa berkisar 15 derajat selsius namun kami tidak keluar dimalam hari, lagian kebanyakan pusat perbelanjaan dan restaurant sudah tutup setelah matahari terbenam. Kota mendadak berubah menjadi sepi. Daerah favorit kami di Durban TownHall, bangunan cantik bergaya kolonial ini bikin betah karena gaya arsitek Eropa yang khas dan memiliki taman besar di depan yang selalu ramai.

Sebelum mengarah ke Durban, kami memang sudah mendengar kabar akan badai yang menimpa daerah pesisir selatan Afrika Selatan, salah satunya di Durban, namun syukurlah kami tiba di Durban setelah selesai badai. Setelah beberapa hari di Durban, kami mulai mencoba berkomunikasi dengan agen shipping yang akan mengurus kedatangan motor kami. Kapal yang membawa motor memang sudah merapat dari tanggal 12 Oktober lalu namun akibat cuaca buruk sehingga kapal belum bisa bersandar di pelabuhan. Barulah tadi pagi (16 Oktober) kapal sudah bersandar dan mulai melakukan unloading kontainer. Selanjutnya kami menunggu update dari agen ketika motor sudah dibawa ke gudang kamipun bisa langsung mengambil motor tersebut setelah proses administrasi selesai.

Kami akan update lagi setelah pengurusan motor beres dan siap gas!

Terima kasih.

Salam Adventure.

English Version :

Day 6-12, Durban - South Africa. After some business is done from Pretoria, we also go to Durban. The largest metropolitan city in KwaZulu-Natal province is located on the south coast with its beautiful beaches facing the Indian Ocean. To get here, we took the bus for 9 hours from Pretoria.Berada here a little warmer than Johannesburg. If again the sunny temperature reached 23 degrees celsius, quite a walk around the city by using t-shirts alone even though the night temperature can range 15 degrees celsius but we did not go out at night, most of the shopping centers and restaurants are closed after sunset. The city suddenly turned into a lonely one. Our favorite area in Durban TownHall, this gorgeous colonial-style building makes you feel at home because of its distinctive European architectural style and has a large front garden that is always crowded. Before heading to Durban, we had heard the storms that hit South Africa's southern coast, one of them in Durban, but thankfully we arrived in Durban after the storm. After a few days in Durban, we started trying to communicate with the shipping agent who would take care of our motorcycle arrival. Ships carrying motorcycles have been docked from the date of 12 October but due to bad weather so that the ship can not lean on the harbor. It was not until this morning (October 16) that the ship had leaned and started unloading the container. Next we wait for updates from the agent when the motor has been taken to the warehouse we can immediately take the motor after the administrative process is complete. We will update again after the motor maintenance is ready and ready to go!

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