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Riding back to South Africa

Day 28-31 | Km : 2587 | Pretoria, South Africa 🇿🇦 Setelah menikmati pesisir timur Mozambique, kami akhirnya memutuskan untuk kembali riding menuju arah barat kembali ke Afrika Selatan. Setelah riding selama 6 jam (355 Km) akhirnya kami tiba di border Ressano Garcia-Lebombo. Proses imigrasi sangat cepat dan custom untuk motor lancar jaya tanpa masalah, di custom Mozambique saya harus mengembalikan third party insurance ke staff customnya dan semua beres, di bagian Afrika Selatan saya tidak perlu menggunakan Carnet, hanya melapor kembali motor saya ke bagian custom selanjutnya kertas voucer yang sudah disiapkan akan dicap setelah kita mengisi data kendaraan. Proses ini tidak ada biaya. Sore itu setelah masuk Afrika Selatan kami camping di Caravan Park dekat Kruger National Park. Hari berikutnya disambut cuaca cerah, saya riding mengikuti jalur T4 lewati jalan toll sejauh 460 Km menuju Pretoria ditempuh dalam waktu 7 jam (termasuk 2 kali istirahat). Disini saya bisa merasakan akselerasi motor saat dipacu di jalan tol hingga 120 km/jam (batas kecepatan maksimal di jalan toll) dan juga saat overtake kendaraan lain. Temperatur mesin motor tetap terjaga dan suara mesin tetap halus berkat oli Castrol Power 1 perjalanan menjadi menyenangkan. Alasan kami balik ke Pretoria karena sebagai pemegang paspor Indonesia kami harus apply visa untuk Namibia di The High Commission of Republic of Namibia yang ada di Pretoria. Kami akan kunjungi Namibia pada pertengahan November ini. Salam adventure!

English Version :

Day 28-31 | Km: 2587 | Pretoria, South Africa 🇿🇦

After enjoying the eastern coast of Mozambique, we finally decided to go back to riding westward back to South Africa. After riding for 6 hours (355 Km) we finally arrived at the Ressano Garcia-Lebombo border. The immigration process was very fast and custom for motorbikes went smoothly without problems. In Mozambique, I had to return third party insurance to the custom staff and everything was fine, in the South Africa side I did not need to use Carnet, just reported my motorbike to the next custom section of voucher paper. those that have been prepared will be stamped after we fill in the vehicle data. This process has no cost. That afternoon after entering South Africa we camped in the Caravan Park near Kruger National Park.

The next day was greeted by sunny weather, I rode following the T4 line past the toll road as far as 460 Km to Pretoria taken within 7 hours (including 2 breaks). Here I can feel the acceleration of the motor when driven on the highway up to 120 km / h (maximum speed limit on the toll road) and also when overtaking other vehicles. The engine temperature is maintained and the engine sound remains smooth thanks to the Castrol Power 1 oil trip to be enjoyable.

The reason we return to Pretoria is because as a holder of an Indonesian passport we have to apply for a visa for Namibia in the High Commission of Republic of Namibia in Pretoria. We will visit Namibia in mid-November.


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