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Journey to the southern most tip of Africa

Day 36-39 | km : 4460 | Cape Agulhas Berkendara motor meninggalkan Pretoria mengarah ke selatan, memacu motor diatas jalan toll dan merasakan akselerasi setiap menarik tuas gas. Jalanan masih padat ketika berada di sekitar Johannesburg hingga masuk ke arah ke jalan no.1 dan jalanan mulai lenggang, namun setelah 2 jam berkendara dengan kawasan pertanian disekeliling dan angin dari samping lumayan kencang hingga membuat motorpun agak sedikit miring karena terpaan angin samping, dan laju motorpun saya kurangi sampai tiba di kota Bloemfontein dan menginap semalam disana. Keesokan harinya perjalanan dilanjutkan tetap di jalan no.1 hingga ke Beaufort Wes dan saya berbelok ke arah selatan masuk ke jalan no.12 mengarah ke Oudtshoorn, ini adalah rute paling keren karena setelah riding melewati padang gurun, lalu Grootswartberg mountain area dengan formasi gunung batu yang indah. Jalanan berkelok membelah tebing batu. Berkendara disini seperti berada di planet lain. Setelah itu lanjut masuk ke Route 62 yang terkenal dikalangan Biker se-Afrika, kawasan pertanian dengan pegunungan yang indah juga padang gurun yg luas di tengah tengah terdapat salah satu pub (Ronnies sex shop) yang menjadi tempat stop-point ketika berkendara disini, sambil menikmati makan siang di padang gurun bisa berjumpa juga dengan Biker yang sementara turing juga. Setelah dari Route 62, semakin mengarah ke selatan atmosfir pun mulai berubah. Udara semakin dingin langit mulai mendung, saya terus memacu motor melewati daerah kebun anggur dan juga ladang gandum di rute 319, aroma laut semakin tercium hingga kami tiba di StruisBaai dan tidak jauh dari sana kami melihat mercusuar yang ternyata adalah mercusuar kedua tertua yang ada di Afrika Selatan. Dari mercusuar itu mengikuti jalan gravel sejauh 1km hingga ke ujung terdapat sebuah point dimana menjadi titik pertemuan samudera Atlantik dan samudera Hindia dimana berada di desa Agulhas sebagai desa paling ujung selatan Benua Afrika dan inilah the southern most tip of Africa yang ditempuh sejauh 1800km dari Pretoria. Salam adventure.

English Version :

Day 36-39 | km: 4460 | Cape Agulhas

Motorbike left Pretoria heading south, spurred the motorbike on the toll road and felt every acceleration pulling the gas lever. The streets are still crowded when in the vicinity of Johannesburg until entering the no.1 road and the road starts lenggang, but after 2 hours of driving with the agricultural area around and the wind from the side is quite tight so that the motorbike is slightly tilted due to the side wind, until I arrived in Bloemfontein and stayed overnight there.

The next day the journey continued on no.1 to Beaufort Wes and I turned south into street No. 12 leading to Oudtshoorn, this was the coolest route because after riding through the desert, then Grootswartberg mountain area with rock formations the beautiful one. The winding road divides the rock cliffs. Drive here like being on another planet. After that, go to Route 62 which is famous among Biker in Africa, the agricultural area with beautiful mountains is also a vast wilderness in the middle of the middle, there is one pub (Ronnies sex shop) which is the place to stop when driving here, while enjoying lunch in the desert can also meet with Biker who is temporarily touring too.

After going from Route 62, the atmosphere towards the south began to change. The air was getting colder the sky began to cloudy, I continued to drive the motorbike past the vineyard and wheat fields on route 319, the smell of the sea was getting smelt until we arrived at StruisBaai and not far away we saw the lighthouse which turned out to be the second oldest lighthouse in Africa South. From the lighthouse following the gravel road as far as 1km to the end there is a point where it becomes the meeting point of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, which are in the village of Agulhas as the most southern village of the African Continent and this is the southern most tip of Africa, which is 1800km from Pretoria.

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