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Cape Town

Day 39-42 | km 4790 | Cape Town Perjalanan menuju Cape Town sangat memanjakan, disinilah surga para biker menurut saya. Perjalanan dari Cape Agulhas melewati daerah perkebunan Anggur hingga Hermanus dimana kita bisa melihat Humbback Whales hanya dari bibir pantai dan hari itu saya beruntung karena bisa melihat paus dari jarak dekat. Dan perjalanan dilanjutkan melewati Route 44 dengan pemandangan laut ( False Bay) disebelah kiri dan tebing batu sebelah kanan. Ini luar biasa! Di Cape Town kami pun disambut Pak Konjen bersama Ibu di Wisma KJRI di Cape Town. Sambil makan malam bersama kami bercerita tentang adventure bermotor dan ragam budaya di Afrika. Salah satu staff merekomendasikan rute bermotor ke arah Cape Peninsula yang keren dan saya langsung memasukan rute tersebut di GPS di motor saya. Petualangan berlanjut. Bermula dari Simon’s Town kami mampir di museum mengenai sejarah kota Simon’s Town sebagai kota para pelaut.Di Boulders beach kita melihat Pinguin koloni. African Pinguin sudah ada disini sejak tahun 1982 dimulai dari sepasang Pinguin dan saat ini sudah ada lebih dari 2000 Pinguin. Setelah puas melihat Penguin lanjut gas melewati jalanan berkelok dengan pemandangan laut dan tening batu mengikuti jalan M6 agak deg-degan melewati kalur sempit ini karena jaan dibuat dari tebing batu yang dibelah dipinggir jurang yang dalam hingga berujubg di laut, ditambah lahi angin dari samping yang kencang disertai udara dingin bikin kita harus konsentrasi penuh untuk bermotor disini namun pemandangan yang disuguhkan memang luar biasa, nama jalur ini Chapman’s Peak. Hingga sore hari kami tiba di Camps Bay sambil menikmati sunset dan kita bisa melihat Table Mountain yang spektakuler terlihat jelas seolah menyapa kehadiran pemotor dari Indonesia. Cape Town dan sekitarnya memang bikin betah, hari terakhir saya melakukan penggantian Oli Mesin Castrol Power 1 dan juga sepasang ban baru. sudah waktunya kita melanjutkan perualangan. Kami pun mampir di KJRI di Cape Town untuk memberi salam perpisahan kepada pak Konjen bersama jajaran staff. Pagi yang cerah memberi kehangatan di udara yang dingin ala Cape Town. Halaman depan kantor KJRI ramai dan penuh canda. Pak Konjen (Pak Krishna Adi Poetranto) bersama Ibu lengakap dengan staff KJRI melepas Wheel Story ke destinasi berikutnya yaitu Namibia. Salam Adventure

English Version :

Day 39-42 | km 4790 | Cape Town

The trip to Cape Town is very indulgent, here is the heaven of the bikers in my opinion. The trip from Cape Agulhas passed the wineries to Hermanus where we could see the Humpback Whales only from the shoreline and that day I was lucky to be able to see whales from close range. And the journey continues past Route 44 with a view of the sea (False Bay) on the left and the rock cliff on the right. This is amazing!

In Cape Town we were welcomed by the Consulate General with wife at the Consulate General in Cape Town. While having dinner with us, we talked about motorized adventure and various cultures in Africa. One of the staff is recommending the motorized route to the Cape Peninsula and I immediately entered the route on the GPS on my motorbike.

The adventure continues. Starting from Simon ’s Town we stopped at the museum about the history of Simon ’s Town as a city for sailors. In Boulders beach we saw the penguin colony. African Penguin has been here since 1982 starting from a pair of penguins and there are now more than 2000 penguins. After being satisfied to see Penguin then passing gas through winding roads with views of the sea and rock tune following the M6 ​​road rather excited through this narrow slurry because it is made of rock cliffs which are split on the edge of a deep ravine to the sea, plus a strong wind from the side accompanied by cold air makes us have to concentrate fully on motorized here, but the view presented is indeed extraordinary, the name of this line is Chapman's Peak. Until the afternoon we arrived at Camps Bay while enjoying the sunset and we could see the spectacular Table Mountain which clearly seemed to greet the presence of motorists from Indonesia.

Cape Town and surrounding areas are indeed at home, the last day I replaced Castrol Power 1 Engine Oil and a new pair of tires. it's time we continue the adventure. We also stopped at the Consulate General in Cape Town to say goodbye to Mr. Konjen along with staff. A sunny morning gives warmth in the cool air of Cape Town. The front page of the KJRI office is crowded and full of jokes. Pak Konjen (Consulate General) (Mr. Krishna Adi Poetranto) with wife and the KJRI staff released Wheel Story to the next destination, Namibia.

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