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Day 85-94 | km : 12.524 | Zambia Menghabiskan akhir tahun 2017 di Harare - Zimbabwe sambil menunggu kabar visa Zambia (untuk paspor Indonesia membutuhkan approval dari pihak Imigrasi di Lusaka). Di Harare saya pun melakukan penggantian oli mesin menggunakan Castrol Power1 sambil mengecek komponen motor lainnya seperti suspensi, rantai, rem dan tekanan angin ban. Setelah tahun baru, kami pun mendapat email bahwa visa Zambia sudah di approve. Petualangan pun harus dilanjutkan, dilepas oleh Bapak Duta Besar KBRI di Zimbabwe (Bpk.Stephanus Yuwono) bersama staff KBRI dari kantor KBRI di Harare dan dari sana kami mengarah ke Danau Kariba sekitar 425km arah utara. Danau kariba sendiri merupakan danau buatan Manusia terbesar di dunia. Hanya berada di depan tempat penginapan kami bisa melihat kumpulan kuda nil dengan pemandangan danau yang indah. Hari berikutnya kamipun menuju Zambia melewati Perbatasan kecil yang melewati Dam Kariba. Semua proses berjalan lancar, persyaratan untuk memasukkan kendaraan asing memerlukan beberapa pengurusan seperti pembuatan TIP (temporary Import permit), pembayaran asuransi serta Carbon tax. Proses semua itu kurang lebih memakan waktu 1 jam. Dan dari sana kami riding sejauh 200km sampai ke Lusaka dan bermalam di sana. Keesokan paginya cuaca sangat cerah riding melewati jalan ‘the great east road’ di Zambia, dari atas Honda CRF250Rally saya menikmati desa desa kecil dan juga perbukitan yang hijau, sesekali saya berhenti istirahat berteduh dibawah pohon sambil bercengkrama dengan warga. Masalah komunikasi jangan takut karena sebagian besar warga Zambia dapat berbicara bahasa inggris. Hari itu kami sejauh 450km hingga sore menjelang kami tiba di desa kecil bernama Petauke. Salam adventure.

English Version :

Day 85-94 | km: 12,524 | Zambia

Spend the end of 2017 in Harare - Zimbabwe while waiting for news of the Zambia visa (for an Indonesian passport requires approval from the Immigration in Lusaka). In Harare I also made engine oil changes using Castrol Power1 while checking other motor components such as suspension, chains, brakes and tire pressure.

After the new year, we also get an email that the Zambian visa has been approved. The adventure must be continued, released by the Ambassador of the Indonesian Embassy in Zimbabwe (Mr. Stephanus Yuwono) with the Indonesian Embassy staff from the Indonesian Embassy in Harare and from there we headed to Lake Kariba about 425km north. Kariba Lake itself is the largest man-made lake in the world. Just in front of the place that we stay we can see a collection of hippos with beautiful lake views.

The next day we head to Zambia through the small border that passes through Kariba Dam. All processes run smoothly, the requirements for entering foreign vehicles require several arrangements such as making a TIP (temporary Import permit), payment of insurance and Carbon tax. The process all takes approximately 1 hour. And from there we rode as far as 200km to Lusaka and spent the night there. The next morning the weather was very sunny riding the road 'the great east road' in Zambia, from above the Honda CRF250 Rally I enjoyed the village of the small village and also the green hills, occasionally I stopped taking shelter under the tree while chatting with the residents.

for Communication don't be afraid because most Zambians can speak English. That day we were 450km until the afternoon before we arrived in a small village called Petauke.

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