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Day 95-99 I km 13.507 I Malawi

Dan kamipun tiba di negara ke 8 penjelajahan Wheel Story season 5. Malawi memang menawan. Prosedur untuk masuk ke Malawi lewat perbatasan darat tergolong mudah khususnya untuk warga Indonesia. Kami masuk lewat border Mchinji, dan dapat Visa on Arrival namun sebelumnya kita wajib lapor counter kesehatan untuk menunjukan kartu 'yellow fever'. Proses gampang dan kurang dari 10 menit visa selesai dengan biaya USD75/orang. Selanjutnya saya melaporkan kendaraan saya di custom, melaporkan carnet de passage dan membayar Temporary Import Permit dan Road Tax sebesar USD 20 untuk motor lalu membeli Motor Insurance sebesar USD 3. Setelah semua beres maka semua dokumen tersebut akan di cek militer di gate dan gate pun dibuka ketika semua lengkap. Perjalanan menuju Lilongwe (Ibukota Malawi) yang berjarak sekitar 120 Km dari border melewati sekitar 6 Police cek point, namun semua berjalan lancar dan terkendali.

Malawi merupakan negara terpadat yang kita eksplore. Negara dengan populasi 18 juta jiwa dengan luas area 118.484 Km2 maka tak heran banyak orang lalu lalang di jalan raya. Perlu ekstra hati-hati dalam berendara motor disini. Belum lagi warga lokal yang juga banyak terlihat hilir mudik dengan sepeda motor juga, membuat saya harus waspada ketika melintasi daerah pemukiman. Di Malawi memang tidak ada laut karena tetak geografis negara ini diapit beberapa negara di bagian timur Afrika, namun Malawi sendiri memiliki danau yang sangat luas, hingga saking luasnya maka warga lokal menyebutnya pantai. Danau Malawi ini memang memiliki ombak kecil dan pasir putih di pesisir sehingga sangat mirip dengan pantai, hanya saja airnya tawar.

Berkendara motor disini memang memanjakan mata, warganya ramah dan suka menyapa, alamnya yang hijau dan berbukit dengan udara sejuk dan pemandangan danaunya yang keren mengingatkan saya ketika berkendara di sekitar danau Toba-Sumatra. Namun sayangnya kami datang disaat yang tidak tepat, saat ini memasuki musim hujan sehingga beberapa tempat dengan pemandangan yang indah tertutup kabut tebal. Namun malawi sudah memberikan kesan tersendiri dalam petualangan kami. Mulai dari keramahan warganya dan juga danaunya yang keren.

Salam Adventure.

English Version :

Day 95-99 I km 13,507 I Malawi

And we arrived in the 8th country exploring Wheel Story season 5. Malawi is indeed charming. The procedure for entering Malawi through the land border is relatively easy, especially for Indonesian citizens. We entered via the Mchinji border, and got a Visa on Arrival but previously we had to report the health counter to show the Yellow fever card. The process is easy and less than 10 minutes the visa is completed at a cost of USD75 / person. Then I reported my vehicle on a custom, reported carnet de passage and paid a Temporary Import Permit and a Road Tax of USD 20 for the motorbike and then bought a Motor Insurance of USD 3. After all was done all the documents would be checked by the military at the gate and the gate was opened when all is complete. The trip to Lilongwe (the capital of Malawi) which is about 120 km from the border passes around 6 Police check points, but everything goes smoothly and in control.

Malawi is the most populous country we explored. A country with a population of 18 million with an area of ​​118,484 Km2, it is no wonder many people pass by on the highway. Need to be extra careful in riding a motorcycle here. Not to mention the local residents who were also seen walking around on motorbikes too, making me have to be vigilant when crossing residential areas. There is no sea in Malawi because the country's geographic landscape is flanked by several countries in the eastern part of Africa, but Malawi itself has a very large lake, so it is so vast that the locals call it a beach. Lake Malawi does have small waves and white sand on the coast so it is very similar to the beach, it's just fresh water.

Motorbikes here pamper the eyes, the people are friendly and greeting, the nature is green and hilly with cool air and the cool lake view reminds me when driving around Lake Toba-Sumatra. But unfortunately we came at the wrong time, now entering the rainy season so that some places with beautiful views were covered in thick fog. But Malawi has given a special impression in our adventure. Starting from the friendliness of its citizens and also the cool lake.

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