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Shipping the vehicle

Pada tanggal 07 September lalu, kami melakukan crating motor Honda CRF250Rally di Kompleks pergudangan Marunda Center di warehouse PT Uniair Partner Logistic yang menjadi agent shipping motor yang akan dikirim dari Indonesia ke Durban (Afrika Selatan).

Dalam proses crating di bantu oleh 3 staff dari perusahaan tersebut, kami melakukan pengepakan dengan hati hati, mulai dari menguras bensin di tangki, disconnect battery , melepas kedua roda hingga wrapping body motor. dilanjutkan dengan check-list barang bawaan yang akan diikutsertakan dalam shipping tersebut.

Di hari berikutnya, unit motor dan barang bawaan tersebut akan dilakukan pengecekan fisik oleh Bea cukai, dan mencocokan data dengan dokumen motor (Carnet de passage).

Selanjutnya akan di lakukan fumigasi dan kabar baiknya lagi pada tanggal 10 september motor sudah loading ke vessel dan sudah berlayar menuju Afrika.

Perkiraan tiba waktu di port Durban Afrika selatan kurang lebih 1 bulan.

Sementara menunggu motor tiba, kami disibukan dengan apply visa negara negara Afrika yang harus diselesaikan di Indonesia.

Salam Adventure

English Version :

Last September 7, we crated the Honda CRF250 Rally at the Marunda Center warehousing complex in the PT Uniair Partner Logistics warehouse which became a shipping motor agent that will be sent from Indonesia to Durban (South Africa).

In the crating process assisted by 3 staff from the company, we are packing carefully, starting from draining gasoline in the tank, disconnecting the battery, removing both wheels to wrapping the motor body. followed by a check-list of luggage that will be included in the shipping.

On the next day, the motorcycle unit and luggage will be physically checked by the Customs, and match the data with the motor document (Carnet de passage).

Furthermore, fumigation will be carried out and the good news is that on September 10 the motorbike has been loaded into a vessel and has sailed to Africa.

Estimates arrive at the South African Durban port for about 1 month.

While waiting for the motorbike to arrive, we are busy applying for an African country visa that must be completed in Indonesia.

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