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Motorbike Arrived

Day 15

Hari ini menjadi hari special kami karena motor kami sudah bersama kami lagi setelah 40 hari shipping dari Jakarta hingga Durban. Ini menjadi moment yang ditunggu-tunggu setelah lama menanti kedatangan kapal yang membawa HondaCRF250Rally sempat mundur dari schedule karena kondisi menimpa daerah Durban pekan lalu. Agen shipping kami mengirim email kemarin (19/10) kalau motor sudah didrop ke warehouse di ZakPak Durban dan custom clearance juga sudah selesai, mereka meminta kami untuk hadir di depot pengambilan barang pagi ini. Betapa senangnya mendengar berita ini.

Ok setelah breakfast kami pun langsung memesan Uber menuju warehouse depot yang berjarak 10 Km dari hotel kami menginap. Pagi ini cuaca berawan. Proses release motor berjalan lancar tanpa kendala. Awalnya mereka mengira kami datang dengan membawa pick up atau truk buat angkut crate tersebut namun saya ingin kendarai CRF250Rally tersebut langsung. dan setelah nego dengan staff dan security akhirnya kami bisa re-assembly CRF250Rally di area warehouse.

Dari jauh saya sudah bisa melihat forklift membawa crate saya karena sudah jelas bertuliskan nama saya dan asal barang dari Jakarta. Tak lama setelah diletakan di tempat yang datar dan aman, dibantu beberapa staff gudang, kami pun langsung gotong royong memasang ban depan belakang, re-connect baterry, pasang stang, spion dan windshield dan Lilis sementara mengecek kembali beberapa items yang ikut kami shipping bersama motor seperti peralatan camping, tools, spare parts dan helm. Makin lama suasana di area kami memasang motor makin rame. Mereka menonton sampai mesin CRF250Rally menyala. Rasa penasaran dan unik dengan plat nomor Indonesia melekat di spatboard belakang motor dan rute perjalanan kami, akhirnya kami pun harus menjawab lontaran pertanyaan sili berganti dari beberapa staff disana sambil tertawa dan bercanda. Bahkan saya menijinkan salah satu staff untuk testride CRF250Rally. Proses tersebut berlangsung sekitar 2 jam dan kami pun langsung gas mencari pom bensin sambil makan siang. Ada persamaan antara Afrika Selatan dengan Indonesia yaitu sama-sama mengemudi di Jalur kiri. Jadi tidak perlu waktu lama untuk adaptasi traffic disini. Besok kami akan segera memulai petualangan bermotor di Afrika.

Salam Adventure.

English Version :

Day 15

Today is our special day because our motorbikes are with us again after 40 days of shipping from Jakarta to Durban. This is a long-awaited moment after long awaiting the arrival of the ship carrying the HondaCRF250 Rally had to retreat from the schedule due to weather conditions affecting the Durban area last week. Our shipping agent sent an e-mail yesterday (10/19) if the motorbike had been dropped into the warehouse in Durban ZakPak and the custom clearance had also been completed, they asked us to be present at the goods collection depot this morning. How nice to hear this news.

after breakfast we immediately booked Uber to the warehouse depot which is 10 Km from the hotel we stayed. This morning the weather is cloudy. The release motor process runs smoothly without problems. At first they thought we were coming with a pick up or truck to carry the crate but I wanted to drive the CRF250Rally directly. and after negotiating with the staff and security, finally we were able to re-assembly CRF250Rally in the warehouse area.

From a distance, I was able to see the forklift carrying my crate because it clearly reads my name and the origin of the goods from Jakarta. Shortly after being placed in a flat and safe place, assisted by a number of warehouse staff, we immediately got together to install the front tire back, re-connect the baterry, install the handlebar, rear view mirror and windshield and Lilis while checking back some items we were shipping with the motorbike such as camping equipment, tools, spare parts and helmets. The longer the atmosphere in our area, the motorbike will be more crowded. They watch until the CRF250Rally engine lights up. Curious and unique with the Indonesian license plate attached to the rear spatboard of the motorbike and our travel route, we finally had to answer the sili question switched from several staff there laughing and joking. Even I allowed one of the staff to testride CRF250Rally. The process lasted about 2 hours and we immediately gased for gas stations while having lunch. There are similarities between South Africa and Indonesia, namely driving together on the left lane. So it doesn't take long to adapt traffic here. Tomorrow we will immediately begin a motorized adventure in Africa.

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