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Victoria Falls

Day 73-80 | Km 10460 | Victoria Falls 🇿🇼 Tibalah kami di Zimbabwe negara ke 6 petualangan Wheel Story season 5. Masuk melalui border Plumtree berada di bagian barat Zimbabwe. Prosedurnya gampang untuk warga Indonesia dapat visa on arrival dan untuk motor bisa buat ‘Temporary Insurance permit’ langsung di bagian custom kantor Imigrasi. Namun tak disangka antrian memakan waktu hingga 4jam karena mau hari raya Natal jadi banyak orang yang mudik juga. Setelah menginap satu malam di PlumTree, kami pun lanjut ke Bulawayo sebagai kota kedua terbesar setelah Harare. Disana tak disangka jumpa dengan orang Indonesia yang menetap cukup lama di Zimbabwe, pak Widi namanya. Dan pak Widi membawa kami ke Matopos National Park yang tak jauh dari kota Bulawayo. Di area tersebut kami melihat ‘Rock painting’ dari suku San atau lebih dikenal ‘Bushmen’ berusia 3000 tahun lebih menunjukkan cara mereka berburu dan jenis binatang yang mereka buru di area tersebut juga alat yang mereka pakai berburu kala itu. Lalu kami lanjut meng-eksplor area bebatuan yang tertata unik yang dibentuk alam yang juga menjadi spot makam dari Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) sebagai Bapak pendiri Rhodesia dimana yang dikenal sekarang Zimbabwe dan Zambia. Spot ini selalu di jaga oleh ranger national park. Puas menikmati Bulawayo dan sekitarnya, perjalanan kami lanjutkan menuju arah utara riding sejauh 440kilometer dan akhirnya kami tiba di Victoria Falls. Disinilah icon Zimbabwe yang menjadi sangat terkenal di dunia yaitu air terjun Victoria dan juga termasuk dalam UNESCO world heritage. Air terjun Victoria juga sebagai air terjun terbesar dan terpanjang di Dunia. Berada disini menjadi momen yang tak terlupakan. Sungguh pemandangan yang spektakuler.

Salam Adventure.

English Version :

Day 73-80 | Km 10.460 | Victoria Falls 🇿🇼

We arrived in Zimbabwe in the 6th country in the adventure of Wheel Story season 5. Enter through the Plumtree border in the western part of Zimbabwe. The procedure is easy for Indonesians to get a visa on arrival and for the motorbike to make a 'Temporary Insurance permit' directly in the custom section of the Immigration office. But unexpectedly the queue took up to 4 hours because people wanted to celebrate Christmas so many people would go home too.

After staying one night at PlumTree, we continued to Bulawayo as the second largest city after Harare. There unexpectedly met an Indonesian who had lived long enough in Zimbabwe, Mr. Widi. And Mr. Widi took us to Matopos National Park which is not far from Bulawayo city. In the area we saw 'Rock painting' from the San tribes or better known as 'Bushmen' aged 3000 years, which more shows how they hunted and the type of animal they hunted in the area as well as the tools they used to hunt at that time. Then we continued to explore the uniquely arranged rock areas that were formed by nature which also became the spot of the tomb of Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) as the founding father of Rhodesia which is now known as Zimbabwe and Zambia. This spot is always guarded by ranger national park.

Satisfied to enjoy Bulawayo and its surroundings, our journey continues towards north riding as far as 440 kilometers and finally we arrive at Victoria Falls. This is where the icon of Zimbabwe which is very famous in the world is the Victoria waterfall and is also included in the UNESCO world heritage. Victoria Falls is also the largest and longest waterfall in the World. Being here is an unforgettable moment. What a spectacular sight.

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